Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Catcher in the Rye

I wish there was a Catcher in the Rye to catch me when I was falling off the cliff.

Chapman went to New York in October 1980 planning to kill (John) Lennon.

Around 10:49 p.m., the Lennons' limousine returned to the Dakota. Lennon and Ono passed by Chapman and walked toward the archway entrance of the building's courtyard. From the street, Chapman turned and fired five hollow point bullets from a Charter Arms .38 revolver that he had purchased in Hawaii, four of which hit Lennon's back and shoulder.

Chapman remained at the scene, took out his copy of The Catcher in the Rye and read it until the police arrived.

In his statement to police three hours later, Chapman stated, "I’m sure the large part of me is Holden Caulfield, who is the main person in the book. The small part of me must be the Devil.

A friend recommended The Catcher in the Rye to Chapman, and the story eventually took on great personal significance for him, to the extent that he reportedly wished to model his life after its protagonist, Holden Caulfield.

This is eerie.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010





我不飞,所以我只能走路。我一天走不了多远,因为我的两只脚很瘦弱。走得累了,便站在路旁休息,休息够了,就继续走,像路上的行人一样,只是我没有一个明确的目的地。那么你可能会问,那为什么你还夜以继日的走? 因为除了走,我不知道我还能做什么。肚子饿了,就找食物。我不能到树枝上寻找食物,所以我是否能填饱肚子完全取决于我的运气。我连作梦都希望天空作美,下起倾盆大雨,让湿润的土地冒出很多虫子。




Friday, January 08, 2010

After dinner, I went back home with an absolutely fatigue body. The strong wind was blowing and my mind wasn't refreshed by the chilliness at all. I fastened my pace, hoping to reach home earlier. I didn't want to stay outside any longer - right at the moment, I wished I had the ability to teleport.


I stared at the monitor of my laptop. I tried very hard to comprehend the mathematics equations on the lecture notes, but to no avail. My mind went completely blank. I needed a rest, I thought. However, I didn't go to bed immediately. The desire to finish the lecture notes grew stronger before I could make a move to the bed.


Suddenly, someone opened the door of my room. Shocked, I opened my eyes. I was on the bed, but the room was pitch dark, I couldn't see anything, except a thin ray of light shining into the room through the crack of the door. A silhuette loomed into my sight, it was so silent and my heart beat was way too loud for the atmosphere. I opened my mouth, wanted to speak.

There is a draft dated 11/3/2009 in my blog! I'd totally forgotten about it. I remember I wrote this after I finish reading Murakami's The Wind-up Bird Chronicle. Darkness, concept of time, suspense. lol. It doesn't look like something that I'd write.